Checklist of essential tools for motorhome winter care

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Your vehicle will be in need of attention during the winter months to keep it in prime condition for the spring.
To keep your motorhome in tip top condition, you’ll be needing the right tools for the job. We’ve set out a checklist of vital equipment for taking good care of your vehicle. Whether you’re putting it in winter storage or heading to a colder country for a road trip, having these invaluable tools to hand will keep you in good stead.

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Breathable, waterproof covers
The harsh elements of winter can cause all manner of issues for your motorhome without sufficient protection. A durable cover for your vehicle should be top of your priority list, not just to preserve it from the bitter cold and rains, but to stop the build-up of mould and condensation inside. Ensure that your cover is breathable, otherwise mould can spread unchecked in your interior.
Covers with several layers are the best all-in-one option, offering protection from UV fading, rust, bird droppings and many other potential environmental hazards. You’ll also want to make sure that it fits your motorhome, perhaps even tailoring it to your vehicle specifically. Ill-fitting coverings can shift in bad weather, causing exterior damage.
Manual drainage kit
Draining all of the water from your motorhome is absolutely vital to prepare for winter. Excess water left in your pipes can freeze and expand, causing cracks, burst pipes and broken electrical systems. If you’re a new motorhome owner or draining for the first time, it can appear quite a daunting task.
Manual draining kits are easy to use and remove the water in a matter of minutes, ensuring your peace of mind whilst leaving your motorhome in storage. Most kits come with full instructions included, so you don’t have to worry about figuring it all out!
Thermal screens
Thermal screens are ideal for keeping your interior properly insulated from extreme cold. These coverings have accumulated layers that provide added warmth when parked overnight or during winter storage. As well as being invaluable during the cold seasons, the screens can reflect the direct sunlight from your windscreen during the summer, making it a crucial tool all year round.
Portable moisture absorber
Damp and mildew are an ever-present challenge to the health of your motorhome. When leaving your vehicle in storage for a significant period of time, installing and regularly using a moisture absorbent unit is a prudent measure. Preventing a build-up of condensation makes dealing with damp a much easier task, particularly when you take your absorbers with you on trips.
Water tank heater
Your water tank is the cornerstone of an enjoyable getaway, ensuring that you don’t wake up to a freezing cold shower or struggle to wash up after dinner. In order to keep hot water running in colder temperatures, a trusty heater that attaches to your tank is a very sound investment and a readily available accessory.
Using electrical heat to prevent the contents of the tank from freezing, these heaters are often attached to the exterior of the water tank. However, there are models that are inserted inside the tank to increase heat distribution, as well as switching on and off automatically whenever required.
Browse our full range of used and new motorhomes or visit us at Suffolk Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 0LN.

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