Andy’s Seasonal Motorhome advice

Whether it’s Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter – here are some expert seasonal motorhome advice from Andy on how to keep your Motorhome in good order throughout the year.

All year round tips

  • If you are not using your vehicle regularly you must run the engine once a month for a minimum of 20 minutes. This will enable your engine battery to stay fully charged.
  • Leisure batteries need charging before the season starts.

Spring tips

  • Make sure winter covers on fridge have been removed as maximum cool air is required to circulate around the unit, at this time of year.

Summer / Autumn tips

  • Use silver screens to keep the van cool in the summer
  • Before water tanks are used, clean and flush ready for the summer season.

Winter tips

  • Drain tanks before the vehicle goes into storage, especially the hot water pot. Leave the taps on the hot side in the open position
  • Use silver screens to retain heat in your motor home.